Thursday, July 3, 2008

check point carly:

rolled into a bed, a friendly face, and the best fuckin fries you've never had. our first day off. and i filled it with gin and tonic. thank you carly.
gentle into portland. anything more than delicate and i might have popped a leak. worlds collide and slc meets maine. the past isn't as pretty, but everyone plays nice. bar hopping and judging. kalani grudgingly makes an appearance and shows off her new bee. drink as comrads. i end the night with wireless and electronic darts. decide portland is balls deep with lesbians, but walt whitman wouldn't mind so why should i. we split for the north with no inertia. from nothing comes something.

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About Me

David--> 26, living on the fringe of change, preferring the refuge of Dynamic Quality, with a fiery propensity for anomalistic betterness. Cein--> i figure i'm the fat girl in this relationship. but i've got so much personality it'll hurt your feelings.